Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Listen & Learn

What do you want to know about horses?

What do you want to know about your horse?

When does the learning end...?

For me, I don't ever want to stop learning.

I want to be a Dresage student until the day I die.

I want to be a sponge that takes in all views from all different areas around the horse world.

I want to question.

I want to see.

I want to teach.

I want to LISTEN.

Listening is one of those skills that few people posess. Everyone says they listen, but only a mind quieted can really hear what is really being said.

Those who are called "Whisperers" are called that not because they talk quietly, but because they LISTEN.

And to listen, your MIND must be still. Your MIND must be present.

When you learn to be still, your learn to be "in the moment" or present and THAT is when you know you can LISTEN and really hear what is being spoken.