Saturday, February 15, 2014


I am always curious about what people think Collection is...

I hear people saying that they have or ride their horses "in collection" or "collected up."  But what are they really saying and thinking they are doing?

I am a staunch purest in HOW the horse should be "Collected." For me, True Collection is a long road that takes years to obtain where the horse takes more weight on the hindquarters, engages the stomach muscles to help lift and engage the topline, creating lightness in the front end. It is a process over time, the rider being the influencing force for the horse to slowly shift his/her weight backwards through strength building exercises and the understanding of  equine bio-mechanics. I have heard it said that the Piaffe is the highest form of Collection.

So. I looked up the United States Dressage Federation's (USDF) definition of Collection in the USDF 2011 Glossary of Judging Terms. Their official definition is:

Collection/Collected (Walk, Trot, or Canter)
           At trot and canter, a pace with shorter steps and a more uphill balance than in the working pace, without sacraficing implusion. The horse's frame is shorter, with the neck stretched and arched upward. The tempo remains nearly the same in the medium or extended pace.

Then as a comparison,  I looked up "Working." Their official definition is:

Working (Trot/Canter)
             A pace in which the horse goes forward energetically but calmly, with a length of stride between that of collected and medium paces. The degree of uphill balance required is less than in the collected pace.

So. Then I looked up "Uphill" since it was mentioned in both definitions.

Their offical definition is:

            Longitudinally well balanced as a consequence of engagement of the hindquarters (which allows the back to assist in elevating the forehand) and engagement of the thoracic sling muscles to lift the forehand. The pushing forces the hindlimbs are balanced with the elevating  forces from the forelimb.

I realized that I could keep looking up aspects of these definitions at not be satisfied.  

And THIS WHY PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT COLLECTION IS. To no fault of anyone, if the definitions don't calirfy, then confusion abounds.

How many people know what the Thoracic Sling is??

I do. Do you??

What about Longitudinal Balance??

Do you know what a Medium Pace is??

Where are the stomach muscles in all these definitions??

As everyone see things from their own personal perspective, each person will have  slightly different view on Collection.

But. Physics is force has an opposite and equal reaction. Horse's bodies respond to the forces of the bridle, saddle, and rider. But unlike inanimate objects,  a horse's body is dynamic, and in the opposite and equal reactions, we can get a lot of variations in those reactions.

Sometimes what we think is a correct respones for collection is actually a lock down, rather than a engagement, of muscle. To get to a true collected state, the horse and rider first must have a base of fitness and basic self-carriage where the horse and rider understand how to move through the gaits in a forward motion with the energy rolling through the horse's body from back to front.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what kind of riding you choose. Knowing the whys and hows of what you do and how you influence your horse through your riding is most important.

If you want True Collection, learn what it is through quality riding and understanding how the equine body works.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Feeling Good....

So. I posted earlier about feeling better after gettin' my head on straight.

Everyone said I needed my head examined....   :)

But...Oh glorious day!!

It has been almost 2 years since the infamous concussion. I do not recommend one, btw...

As my body became increasingly stuck, my horse obviously did not improve in his willingness.  Not! That Trevor doesn't have his opinion....! He is a Thoroughbred and pays attention to everything.  And, in my opinion, he is one of the smartest horses I've ever known.  He knows what I want before I've even asked...His "feel" is oober refined...and it has been an interesting road for me to be clear and calm in my request. He's a mind & body reader, as a lot of horses are...but as I have heard before, Thoroughbreds are like Ferraris....and I still am figuring out his gas pedal.

YA KNOW HOW HARD THAT IS WHEN YOUR BODY IS STUCK. last ride before the lovely snow storm was just that... Lovely. 

My body was relaxed in way it hasn't been in a long while.  Trev was soft and THROUGH...IT. WAS. AWESOME.

Take heed....think about how your body is working. Know the places you are stuck...And Do Something About it.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Basic Movement

This is a no brainer post.

Walk: 4 beat gait.

Trot: 2 beat gait.

Canter: 3 beat gait.

Duh, right?

Each gait can be lengthened and shortened.

A lot of people say the trot is the most important gait. Maybe. A quality trot will strengthen your horse's body overall if ridden well.

"Quality" being a walk, trot, or canter ridden back to front, with the horse swinging through and over his/her topline.

I say, it takes all three.  One quality part of a three part system will not make the other gaits necessarily better, but it will be a good indicator.

I believe the quality of the walk is an indicator of overall relaxation in the horse's body.  When the walk becomes forward with quality, it indicates the willingness in the other gaits.

As for the canter, it is a good indicator of relaxation in the lumbar region because of the "uneveness" of the hind legs. The inside hind leg is more forward under the horse as it travels on the correct lead, stretching the back, lumbar, and hindquarter muscles, all the while engaging the belly. A canter that can engage all these areas will create a softer, more comfortable gait.

So work to create quality gaits with the three basic gaits all horses come equipped with.


What is movement?

What is a Quality movement??

Where does your eye "go" when you watch a horse move...that is telling in itself.

How do you interpret what you see??

What are equine bio-mechanics??

How does knowing quality movement help your riding??

What horses inspire you when you see them move??

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

And Now...

This is what came to pass.....

Being unimpressed with the Traxene and not really thrilled with taking a man-made medication....I ended up taking my sister's advice (the sister with whom I ran the Spartan Race....KickAss!!!!!) and met with Jeff, a Master Herbalist.

After a session with his Bio-Feedback machine (totally crazy, btw), he showed me the findings...

Here's a Sum-Up:

Lower Back


Lower Back

Inflamed Nervous System

Lower Back

Swollen Joints

I was floored. We did talk about my concussion and all that trouble...but we didn't talk about my back. Which. Was. Sore. Stuck. Non-Functional. 

Jeff recommended natural anti-inflammatories for my g.i. system and my nervous system. And...Ta-Da!!!!  EVERYTHING is working. Lower back stickiness...gone. Sore neck...gone. Headaches...gone. The right side of my sinuses, which haven't worked properly since my concussion, cleared and continued to drain for 4 days!!!  I am tired, but in a good system has been on high alert since my concussion and I was super sensitive and STUCK. No wonder Trevor was so annoyed with me.

I have been on the anti-inflammatories for about a week and a half.  On Sunday, I had the best run I've had in about 2 years...

Today, I had a lesson with Jackie Browning and the relaxation that has been missing from my riding was back.  Trevor was a rock star.

It's so nice to have my body and brain back.   :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Looking Back...

5/11/2012 was my last post after my end of March concussion...

I did feel pretty good at that post... About two weeks later...the proverbial fan was pooped on!!

I was out on a run, and, as usual, I did a "farmer's blow" to clear my nose. During the "blow", my right ear popped. Great! I thought, that should help with whatever has been going on in my head and my concussion may be getting better!

It wasn't.

It. Was. Worse.

I got home and realized with the shift of fluid in my ear that I was REALLY dizzy. Dizzy enough to cancel my riding lesson.  And for the next 18 months, I was subject to dizziness, my right ear plugging & unplugging, fatigue, heavy eyelids, insomnia, periods of crazy hunger, annnnnnnnnnnnd, irritability.   Sigh... The only perk was that when I was riding I was not dizzy AT ALL. Something about the helmet created the right pressure in my pea brain and created a happy least I was able to ride!!!

But still...The issues were particualrly bad with the ups & downs in the Pacific Northwest weather...sunny for 15 minutes, then raining, then sunny, then raining. There were times I was On. My. Ass. 

Sigh again....

However. When summer was in full swing, I felt just fine. The high pressure seemed to sit well with my head.  But as you all know, that didn't last. 

Throughout the winter, I struggled with the inconsistencies in my head and didn't know quite what to do... things really didn't get much better in spring...So after several suggestions to see an Ear, Nose & Throat specialist, I did.  After some tests to determine what the hell was going on, the ear, nose & throat doctor recommended thay I try a medication called Traxene...a sedative! to settle the nervous system. Ya ya...I can hear the comments already...

After reading all the ridiculous side effects, I decided to take a 1/2 of pill. did help. For a while...One of the downside of this  medication was tolerance.

Sigh...So HELP for only a while...I did try upping my dose, but that just made my head fuzzy and my ears to ring.

What. To. Do.