The Fulcrums
The Fulcrums are "hinge " point on your horse that create different angles in the joints. They are where the energy is stored and released, the body in flexed and relaxed, and the "correctness" of the gaits are found.
HOW you use your horse's Fulcrums creates the ride. When the Fulcrums are used in balance - meaning equal flexion and relaxation at each hinge point - then you and your horse have maximum flexibility in each gait and within each gait.
This image above is an example of the Fulcrum angles (generally) when your horse is in a standing position.
Fulcrum #1 - this is the hinge area of the Poll and the Atlas.
Fulcrum #2 - this is the hinge area of the Shoulder Balde and the Ribcage (the area just below the withers).
Fuclrum #3 - this is the area of the Sacroiliac joint and Pelvis.
Note the angles of these areas...Fulcrum #1 is at a slightly smaller angle then Fulcrum #s 2 & 3. Since the horse is not in motion...not really a problem...
This second image is when the head is "tucked high" while being ridden.
When the horse raises his head and tucks his/her nose in the angle of Fulcrum #1 changes most drastically. With the closed angle in the poll, the area becomes less accessible to the horse and the rider. The back of the skull and the vertebrae tend to "lock" together and create lack of flexion. This then drops Fulcrum #2, creating another "lock," in the shoulder blade/wither area, essentially putting the horse on its forehand, leaving Fulcrum #3 hanging out behind at larger, yet ineffective, angle. It becomes a Front-to-Back motion with low withers and a high hindquarters.
The third image is when the head is "nosed-out" while being ridden.
This would be considered a "GREEN" way-of-going, where the horse is allowed to go forward without any restrictions on his/her bridle.
Note the angles of all three of the Fulcrums...all of them are relatively EQUAL. Fulcrum #1, #2, #3 have similar angles. When a horse is in this position...there is a free-flow of forward energy, allowing the horse to be soft and supple in all his/her movements: the poll can be flexed left and right, the belly can lift and raise the back softly, and the hindquarters can swing freely creating movement from the backend, over the topline, and out the front. THIS IS THE GOAL!!! No matter what stage of training your horse is in...THE FULCRUMS SHOULD BE EQUAL!!!! Then you can get the free forward, get the same angles, get the maximum energy, flexibility, and correct Back-to-Front movement that makes our horses so fun to ride!
This last image shows what is, unfortunately, a HUGE MISPERCEPTION of what is "correct" collection.
This is what people think "collection" is suppose to be. What this is, is "over-flexion." The head is unnaturally put down so the ears fall below the withers AND the nose is tucked into the chest. This, therefore, over-flexes the shoulder blade/wither area and hyper-extends the vertebrae of the back (Note the excessive angle at Fulcrum #2) leaving the horse unable to flex it's belly muscles. In turn, with a hyper-extended back, the hindquarters are, again, left out behind and the horse is on it's forehand. This is an ugle way to train and abusive to the horse.